Thursday 22 October 2015

Task 1c- Audio Visual

Task 1c Audio Visual. 

This task was something I have been thinking about for a while, I wasn't sure exactly how to approach the idea.  There were several options available but I wasn't particularly comfortable with any of them.  The idea of filming myself was something I was honestly quite scared about.  I toyed with the idea of an interview style approach potentially using another person.  So today I actually sat down, pen and paper ready, and decided to tackle it.  Over the past few weeks I have been really thinking about the idea of an online personality and digital footprint.  I have been spending time making sure I am happy with the information have online.  So now I need to put something else out there, add something else to my digital footprint.  Something else that can be seen by everybody and anybody. Like a lot of performers, give me a script and I’m fine, direct me and I will follow. Be myself? Not likely.  I’m not shy by any means, but the thought of a video online were I am talking in an informal manner made me feel incredibly self conscious just at the thought. I began to feel because of all these insecurities I was missing the point of the task. Time to think about plan B, an alternative route.  Do I really need to talk on this video for my message to be communicated? Do I even need to be on it? The answer is no.  There is a wealth of information and media out there on Web 2.0 that is communicated simply through images.  There are so many images and inspirational quotes that are shared each day via social media, they are successful at communicating a message.  So maybe this was what I needed to try.  It was a process of trial and error and being a perfectionist it was also quite a lengthy process! So here we go, I published it.  When watching it, please keep in mind my video editing skills are relatively new!  Please feel free to leave comments. 


  1. This does it for me - enjoyed watching this - intentional and informative - and finding your own way to communicate with these tools...

  2. Hey Kayleigh!

    I'm going to start to do this task later today and I think the way you've done it is really enjoyable. I was looking at the different ways of creating the video material and I also feel the same as you did, you could put me on a stage or give me a script and I'm fine; but talking to a video camera and posting it online is something I have never done before. It is nice to see a different approach to the task!

    1. Thanks for leaving a comment! Yes I completely struggled with the idea of filming myself, I totally understand!

  3. Hii Kayleigh,
    i just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love love your youtube video :)) you did a really good job with it!
    I'm kind of the same as you, i feel very uncomfortable filming myself and when I read the task, i was a bit like "ummm..what should i do? or do i even wanna do it?" it's great to see your video with some new inspirations :)
    thanks for that :)
